Every modern-day, well-functioning septic system requires a strong septic air pump to deliver the best results. In their most basic sense, septic air blowers and pumps serve a crucial purpose in wastewater treatment – be it at home or at an industrial level. It’s worth knowing that septic air pumps can commonly be referred to as any of the following: septic aerators, aerator pumps, or just compressors.

How do they work?

In simple terms, the functioning of septic systems can be two-fold. An aerobic septic pump’s primary function is to add oxygen into the water system so it can allow aerobic bacteria to grow and multiply quickly. These bacteria are a key component in breaking down solids and consuming all the waste. In general, aerobic bacteria prove to be more efficient than anaerobic bacteria. Effective septic pumps also help with the breakdown of solids so the bacteria can easily attach to the waste, making the process quicker and easier.
The size of your septic pump matters immensely as it affects the amount of air being pumped into the system. More air means more oxygen for your system which translates into a well-functioning treatment process. The larger the pump, the larger would be the clean water GPD (gallons per day) being processed.

What happens when the aerobic system doesn’t work?

If your aerobic septic pumps fail, it will lead to an anaerobic environment. This can not only lead to a slower breakdown of waste, but it can also halt the process of cleansing water and separating the waste. This is because an anaerobic environment will not allow bacteria to grow and help out and the system will be overwhelmed. An ill-functioning septic pump will also lead to waste being discharged into seawater which will in-turn hurt the environment. This is why ensuring the smooth functioning of these pumps is of extreme importance in wastewater treatments.

How does PumpAir help?

PumpAir offers a bunch of choices for linear diaphragm septic air pumps as they can be used for gardening purposes. These resemble the look of a toaster and are popular choices in the industry thanks to their durability and the ability to handle high-pressure water stemming from the backend.
It can get confusing to pick the right model of a septic air pump as there are plenty of options available. The experts at PumpAir can evaluate your needs and provide you with the best possible options that can make your wastewater treatment simple and efficient.

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